// Windows Template Library - WTL version 7.0 // Copyright (C) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // This file is a part of the Windows Template Library. // The code and information is provided "as-is" without // warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. #ifndef __ATLAPP_H__ #define __ATLAPP_H__ #pragma once #ifndef __cplusplus #error ATL requires C++ compilation (use a .cpp suffix) #endif #ifndef __ATLBASE_H__ #error atlapp.h requires atlbase.h to be included first #endif #if (WINVER < 0x0400) #error WTL requires Windows version 4.0 or higher #endif #include #if !defined(_ATL_MIN_CRT) & defined(_MT) #include // for _beginthreadex, _endthreadex #endif #include #pragma comment(lib, "comctl32.lib") #include #if (_WIN32_IE < 0x0300) #error WTL requires IE version 3.0 or higher #endif // WTL version number #define _WTL_VER 0x0700 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Classes in this file // // CMessageFilter // CIdleHandler // CMessageLoop // // CAppModule // CServerAppModule // // _U_RECT // _U_MENUorID // _U_STRINGorID // This is to support using original VC++ 6.0 headers with WTL #ifndef _ATL_NO_OLD_HEADERS_WIN64 #if !defined(_WIN64) && (_ATL_VER < 0x0700) #ifndef GetWindowLongPtr #define GetWindowLongPtrA GetWindowLongA #define GetWindowLongPtrW GetWindowLongW #ifdef UNICODE #define GetWindowLongPtr GetWindowLongPtrW #else #define GetWindowLongPtr GetWindowLongPtrA #endif // !UNICODE #endif // !GetWindowLongPtr #ifndef SetWindowLongPtr #define SetWindowLongPtrA SetWindowLongA #define SetWindowLongPtrW SetWindowLongW #ifdef UNICODE #define SetWindowLongPtr SetWindowLongPtrW #else #define SetWindowLongPtr SetWindowLongPtrA #endif // !UNICODE #endif // !SetWindowLongPtr #ifndef GWLP_WNDPROC #define GWLP_WNDPROC (-4) #endif #ifndef GWLP_HINSTANCE #define GWLP_HINSTANCE (-6) #endif #ifndef GWLP_HWNDPARENT #define GWLP_HWNDPARENT (-8) #endif #ifndef GWLP_USERDATA #define GWLP_USERDATA (-21) #endif #ifndef GWLP_ID #define GWLP_ID (-12) #endif #ifndef DWLP_MSGRESULT #define DWLP_MSGRESULT 0 #endif typedef long LONG_PTR; typedef unsigned long ULONG_PTR; typedef ULONG_PTR DWORD_PTR; #ifndef HandleToUlong #define HandleToUlong( h ) ((ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)(h) ) #endif #ifndef HandleToLong #define HandleToLong( h ) ((LONG)(LONG_PTR) (h) ) #endif #ifndef LongToHandle #define LongToHandle( h) ((HANDLE)(LONG_PTR) (h)) #endif #ifndef PtrToUlong #define PtrToUlong( p ) ((ULONG)(ULONG_PTR) (p) ) #endif #ifndef PtrToLong #define PtrToLong( p ) ((LONG)(LONG_PTR) (p) ) #endif #ifndef PtrToUint #define PtrToUint( p ) ((UINT)(UINT_PTR) (p) ) #endif #ifndef PtrToInt #define PtrToInt( p ) ((INT)(INT_PTR) (p) ) #endif #ifndef PtrToUshort #define PtrToUshort( p ) ((unsigned short)(ULONG_PTR)(p) ) #endif #ifndef PtrToShort #define PtrToShort( p ) ((short)(LONG_PTR)(p) ) #endif #ifndef IntToPtr #define IntToPtr( i ) ((VOID *)(INT_PTR)((int)i)) #endif #ifndef UIntToPtr #define UIntToPtr( ui ) ((VOID *)(UINT_PTR)((unsigned int)ui)) #endif #ifndef LongToPtr #define LongToPtr( l ) ((VOID *)(LONG_PTR)((long)l)) #endif #ifndef ULongToPtr #define ULongToPtr( ul ) ((VOID *)(ULONG_PTR)((unsigned long)ul)) #endif #endif //!defined(_WIN64) && (_ATL_VER < 0x0700) #endif //!_ATL_NO_OLD_HEADERS_WIN64 #ifndef IS_INTRESOURCE #define IS_INTRESOURCE(_r) (((ULONG_PTR)(_r) >> 16) == 0) #endif //IS_INTRESOURCE namespace WTL { #if (_ATL_VER >= 0x0700) DECLARE_TRACE_CATEGORY(atlTraceUI); #ifdef _DEBUG __declspec(selectany) CTraceCategory atlTraceUI(_T("atlTraceUI")); #endif // _DEBUG #else //!(_ATL_VER >= 0x0700) enum wtlTraceFlags { atlTraceUI = 0x10000000 }; #endif //!(_ATL_VER >= 0x0700) // Windows version helper inline bool AtlIsOldWindows() { OSVERSIONINFO ovi; ovi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); BOOL bRet = ::GetVersionEx(&ovi); return (!bRet || !((ovi.dwMajorVersion >= 5) || (ovi.dwMajorVersion == 4 && ovi.dwMinorVersion >= 90))); } // default GUI font helper inline HFONT AtlGetDefaultGuiFont() { return (HFONT)::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); } // Common Controls initialization helper inline BOOL AtlInitCommonControls(DWORD dwFlags) { INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX iccx = { sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX), dwFlags }; BOOL bRet = ::InitCommonControlsEx(&iccx); ATLASSERT(bRet); return bRet; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMessageFilter - Interface for message filter support class CMessageFilter { public: virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) = 0; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CIdleHandler - Interface for idle processing class CIdleHandler { public: virtual BOOL OnIdle() = 0; }; #ifndef _ATL_NO_OLD_NAMES // for compatilibility with old names only typedef CIdleHandler CUpdateUIObject; #define DoUpdate OnIdle #endif //!_ATL_NO_OLD_NAMES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMessageLoop - message loop implementation class CMessageLoop { public: CSimpleArray m_aMsgFilter; CSimpleArray m_aIdleHandler; MSG m_msg; // Message filter operations BOOL AddMessageFilter(CMessageFilter* pMessageFilter) { return m_aMsgFilter.Add(pMessageFilter); } BOOL RemoveMessageFilter(CMessageFilter* pMessageFilter) { return m_aMsgFilter.Remove(pMessageFilter); } // Idle handler operations BOOL AddIdleHandler(CIdleHandler* pIdleHandler) { return m_aIdleHandler.Add(pIdleHandler); } BOOL RemoveIdleHandler(CIdleHandler* pIdleHandler) { return m_aIdleHandler.Remove(pIdleHandler); } #ifndef _ATL_NO_OLD_NAMES // for compatilibility with old names only BOOL AddUpdateUI(CIdleHandler* pIdleHandler) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, "CUpdateUIObject and AddUpdateUI are deprecated. Please change your code to use CIdleHandler and OnIdle\n"); return AddIdleHandler(pIdleHandler); } BOOL RemoveUpdateUI(CIdleHandler* pIdleHandler) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, "CUpdateUIObject and RemoveUpdateUI are deprecated. Please change your code to use CIdleHandler and OnIdle\n"); return RemoveIdleHandler(pIdleHandler); } #endif //!_ATL_NO_OLD_NAMES // message loop int Run() { BOOL bDoIdle = TRUE; int nIdleCount = 0; BOOL bRet; for(;;) { while(!::PeekMessage(&m_msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE) && bDoIdle) { if(!OnIdle(nIdleCount++)) bDoIdle = FALSE; } bRet = ::GetMessage(&m_msg, NULL, 0, 0); if(bRet == -1) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, _T("::GetMessage returned -1 (error)\n")); continue; // error, don't process } else if(!bRet) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, _T("CMessageLoop::Run - exiting\n")); break; // WM_QUIT, exit message loop } if(!PreTranslateMessage(&m_msg)) { ::TranslateMessage(&m_msg); ::DispatchMessage(&m_msg); } if(IsIdleMessage(&m_msg)) { bDoIdle = TRUE; nIdleCount = 0; } } return (int)m_msg.wParam; } static BOOL IsIdleMessage(MSG* pMsg) { // These messages should NOT cause idle processing switch(pMsg->message) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: case WM_PAINT: case 0x0118: // WM_SYSTIMER (caret blink) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Overrideables // Override to change message filtering virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { // loop backwards for(int i = m_aMsgFilter.GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CMessageFilter* pMessageFilter = m_aMsgFilter[i]; if(pMessageFilter != NULL && pMessageFilter->PreTranslateMessage(pMsg)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; // not translated } // override to change idle processing virtual BOOL OnIdle(int /*nIdleCount*/) { for(int i = 0; i < m_aIdleHandler.GetSize(); i++) { CIdleHandler* pIdleHandler = m_aIdleHandler[i]; if(pIdleHandler != NULL) pIdleHandler->OnIdle(); } return FALSE; // don't continue } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CAppModule - module class for an application class CAppModule : public CComModule { public: DWORD m_dwMainThreadID; CSimpleMap* m_pMsgLoopMap; CSimpleArray* m_pSettingChangeNotify; // Overrides of CComModule::Init and Term HRESULT Init(_ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY* pObjMap, HINSTANCE hInstance, const GUID* pLibID = NULL) { HRESULT hRet = CComModule::Init(pObjMap, hInstance, pLibID); if(FAILED(hRet)) return hRet; m_dwMainThreadID = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); typedef CSimpleMap mapClass; m_pMsgLoopMap = NULL; ATLTRY(m_pMsgLoopMap = new mapClass); if(m_pMsgLoopMap == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; m_pSettingChangeNotify = NULL; return hRet; } void Term() { if(m_pSettingChangeNotify != NULL && m_pSettingChangeNotify->GetSize() > 0) { ::DestroyWindow((*m_pSettingChangeNotify)[0]); } delete m_pSettingChangeNotify; delete m_pMsgLoopMap; CComModule::Term(); } // Message loop map methods BOOL AddMessageLoop(CMessageLoop* pMsgLoop) { ATLASSERT(pMsgLoop != NULL); ATLASSERT(m_pMsgLoopMap->Lookup(::GetCurrentThreadId()) == NULL); // not in map yet return m_pMsgLoopMap->Add(::GetCurrentThreadId(), pMsgLoop); } BOOL RemoveMessageLoop() { return m_pMsgLoopMap->Remove(::GetCurrentThreadId()); } CMessageLoop* GetMessageLoop(DWORD dwThreadID = ::GetCurrentThreadId()) const { return m_pMsgLoopMap->Lookup(dwThreadID); } // Setting change notify methods BOOL AddSettingChangeNotify(HWND hWnd) { ATLASSERT(::IsWindow(hWnd)); if(m_pSettingChangeNotify == NULL) { typedef CSimpleArray notifyClass; ATLTRY(m_pSettingChangeNotify = new notifyClass); ATLASSERT(m_pSettingChangeNotify != NULL); if(m_pSettingChangeNotify == NULL) return FALSE; } if(m_pSettingChangeNotify->GetSize() == 0) { // init everything _ATL_EMPTY_DLGTEMPLATE templ; HWND hNtfWnd = ::CreateDialogIndirect(GetModuleInstance(), &templ, NULL, _SettingChangeDlgProc); ATLASSERT(::IsWindow(hNtfWnd)); if(::IsWindow(hNtfWnd)) { // need conditional code because types don't match in winuser.h #ifdef _WIN64 ::SetWindowLongPtr(hNtfWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this); #else ::SetWindowLongPtr(hNtfWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, PtrToLong(this)); #endif m_pSettingChangeNotify->Add(hNtfWnd); } } return m_pSettingChangeNotify->Add(hWnd); } BOOL RemoveSettingChangeNotify(HWND hWnd) { if(m_pSettingChangeNotify == NULL) return FALSE; return m_pSettingChangeNotify->Remove(hWnd); } // Implementation - setting change notify dialog template and dialog procedure struct _ATL_EMPTY_DLGTEMPLATE : DLGTEMPLATE { _ATL_EMPTY_DLGTEMPLATE() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(_ATL_EMPTY_DLGTEMPLATE)); style = WS_POPUP; } WORD wMenu, wClass, wTitle; }; #ifdef _WIN64 static INT_PTR CALLBACK _SettingChangeDlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) #else static BOOL CALLBACK _SettingChangeDlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) #endif { if(uMsg == WM_SETTINGCHANGE) { // need conditional code because types don't match in winuser.h #ifdef _WIN64 CAppModule* pModule = (CAppModule*)::GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA); #else CAppModule* pModule = (CAppModule*)LongToPtr(::GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA)); #endif ATLASSERT(pModule != NULL); ATLASSERT(pModule->m_pSettingChangeNotify != NULL); for(int i = 1; i < pModule->m_pSettingChangeNotify->GetSize(); i++) ::SendMessageTimeout((*pModule->m_pSettingChangeNotify)[i], uMsg, wParam, lParam, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1500, NULL); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CServerAppModule - module class for a COM server application class CServerAppModule : public CAppModule { public: HANDLE m_hEventShutdown; bool m_bActivity; DWORD m_dwTimeOut; DWORD m_dwPause; // Override of CAppModule::Init HRESULT Init(_ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY* pObjMap, HINSTANCE hInstance, const GUID* pLibID = NULL) { m_dwTimeOut = 5000; m_dwPause = 1000; return CAppModule::Init(pObjMap, hInstance, pLibID); } void Term() { if(m_hEventShutdown != NULL && ::CloseHandle(m_hEventShutdown)) m_hEventShutdown = NULL; CAppModule::Term(); } // COM Server methods LONG Unlock() { LONG lRet = CComModule::Unlock(); if(lRet == 0) { m_bActivity = true; ::SetEvent(m_hEventShutdown); // tell monitor that we transitioned to zero } return lRet; } void MonitorShutdown() { while(1) { ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hEventShutdown, INFINITE); DWORD dwWait = 0; do { m_bActivity = false; dwWait = ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hEventShutdown, m_dwTimeOut); } while(dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0); // timed out if(!m_bActivity && m_nLockCnt == 0) // if no activity let's really bail { #if ((_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400 ) || defined(_WIN32_DCOM)) & defined(_ATL_FREE_THREADED) ::CoSuspendClassObjects(); if(!m_bActivity && m_nLockCnt == 0) #endif break; } } // This handle should be valid now. If it isn't, // check if _Module.Term was called first (it shouldn't) if(::CloseHandle(m_hEventShutdown)) m_hEventShutdown = NULL; ::PostThreadMessage(m_dwMainThreadID, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); } bool StartMonitor() { m_hEventShutdown = ::CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL); if(m_hEventShutdown == NULL) return false; DWORD dwThreadID; #if !defined(_ATL_MIN_CRT) & defined(_MT) HANDLE hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, (UINT (WINAPI*)(void*))MonitorProc, this, 0, (UINT*)&dwThreadID); #else HANDLE hThread = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, MonitorProc, this, 0, &dwThreadID); #endif bool bRet = (hThread != NULL); if(bRet) ::CloseHandle(hThread); return bRet; } static DWORD WINAPI MonitorProc(void* pv) { CServerAppModule* p = (CServerAppModule*)pv; p->MonitorShutdown(); #if !defined(_ATL_MIN_CRT) & defined(_MT) _endthreadex(0); #endif return 0; } // Scan command line and perform registration // Return value specifies if server should run // Parses the command line and registers/unregisters the rgs file if necessary bool ParseCommandLine(LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, UINT nResId, HRESULT* pnRetCode) { TCHAR szTokens[] = _T("-/"); *pnRetCode = S_OK; LPCTSTR lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpCmdLine, szTokens); while(lpszToken != NULL) { if(lstrcmpi(lpszToken, _T("UnregServer"))==0) { *pnRetCode = UnregisterServer(TRUE); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(*pnRetCode)); if(FAILED(*pnRetCode)) return false; *pnRetCode = UpdateRegistryFromResource(nResId, FALSE); return false; } // Register as Local Server if(lstrcmpi(lpszToken, _T("RegServer"))==0) { *pnRetCode = UpdateRegistryFromResource(nResId, TRUE); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(*pnRetCode)); if(FAILED(*pnRetCode)) return false; *pnRetCode = RegisterServer(TRUE); return false; } lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpszToken, szTokens); } return true; } // Parses the command line and registers/unregisters the appid if necessary bool ParseCommandLine(LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, LPCTSTR pAppId, HRESULT* pnRetCode) { TCHAR szTokens[] = _T("-/"); *pnRetCode = S_OK; LPCTSTR lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpCmdLine, szTokens); while(lpszToken != NULL) { if(lstrcmpi(lpszToken, _T("UnregServer"))==0) { *pnRetCode = UnregisterAppId(pAppId); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(*pnRetCode)); if(FAILED(*pnRetCode)) return false; *pnRetCode = UnregisterServer(TRUE); return false; } // Register as Local Server if(lstrcmpi(lpszToken, _T("RegServer"))==0) { *pnRetCode = RegisterAppId(pAppId); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(*pnRetCode)); if(FAILED(*pnRetCode)) return false; *pnRetCode = RegisterServer(TRUE); return false; } lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpszToken, szTokens); } return true; } #if (_ATL_VER < 0x0700) // search for an occurence of string p2 in string p1 static LPCTSTR FindOneOf(LPCTSTR p1, LPCTSTR p2) { while(p1 != NULL && *p1 != NULL) { LPCTSTR p = p2; while(p != NULL && *p != NULL) { if(*p1 == *p) return ::CharNext(p1); p = ::CharNext(p); } p1 = ::CharNext(p1); } return NULL; } HRESULT RegisterAppId(LPCTSTR pAppId) { CRegKey keyAppID; if(keyAppID.Open(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, _T("AppID"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR szModule1[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szModule2[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR* pszFileName; ::GetModuleFileName(GetModuleInstance(), szModule1, _MAX_PATH); ::GetFullPathName(szModule1, _MAX_PATH, szModule2, &pszFileName); CRegKey keyAppIDEXE; if(keyAppIDEXE.Create(keyAppID, pszFileName, REG_NONE, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) keyAppIDEXE.SetValue(pAppId, _T("AppID")); if(keyAppIDEXE.Create(keyAppID, pAppId, REG_NONE, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) keyAppIDEXE.SetValue(pszFileName); } return S_OK; } HRESULT UnregisterAppId(LPCTSTR pAppId) { CRegKey keyAppID; if(keyAppID.Open(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, _T("AppID"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR szModule1[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szModule2[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR* pszFileName; ::GetModuleFileName(GetModuleInstance(), szModule1, _MAX_PATH); ::GetFullPathName(szModule1, _MAX_PATH, szModule2, &pszFileName); keyAppID.RecurseDeleteKey(pszFileName); keyAppID.RecurseDeleteKey(pAppId); } return S_OK; } #endif //(_ATL_VER < 0x0700) }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ATL 3.0 Add-ons // protect template members from windowsx.h macros #ifdef _INC_WINDOWSX #undef SubclassWindow #endif //_INC_WINDOWSX // define useful macros from windowsx.h #ifndef GET_X_LPARAM #define GET_X_LPARAM(lParam) ((int)(short)LOWORD(lParam)) #endif #ifndef GET_Y_LPARAM #define GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) ((int)(short)HIWORD(lParam)) #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dual argument helper classes #ifndef _WTL_NO_UNION_CLASSES class _U_RECT { public: _U_RECT(LPRECT lpRect) : m_lpRect(lpRect) { } _U_RECT(RECT& rc) : m_lpRect(&rc) { } LPRECT m_lpRect; }; class _U_MENUorID { public: _U_MENUorID(HMENU hMenu) : m_hMenu(hMenu) { } _U_MENUorID(UINT nID) : m_hMenu((HMENU)LongToHandle(nID)) { } HMENU m_hMenu; }; class _U_STRINGorID { public: _U_STRINGorID(LPCTSTR lpString) : m_lpstr(lpString) { } _U_STRINGorID(UINT nID) : m_lpstr(MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID)) { } LPCTSTR m_lpstr; }; #endif //!_WTL_NO_UNION_CLASSES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Forward notifications support for message maps #if (_ATL_VER < 0x0700) // forward notifications support #define FORWARD_NOTIFICATIONS() \ { \ bHandled = TRUE; \ lResult = Atl3ForwardNotifications(m_hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); \ if(bHandled) \ return TRUE; \ } static LRESULT Atl3ForwardNotifications(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { LRESULT lResult = 0; switch(uMsg) { case WM_COMMAND: case WM_NOTIFY: case WM_PARENTNOTIFY: case WM_DRAWITEM: case WM_MEASUREITEM: case WM_COMPAREITEM: case WM_DELETEITEM: case WM_VKEYTOITEM: case WM_CHARTOITEM: case WM_HSCROLL: case WM_VSCROLL: case WM_CTLCOLORBTN: case WM_CTLCOLORDLG: case WM_CTLCOLOREDIT: case WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX: case WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX: case WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR: case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: lResult = ::SendMessage(::GetParent(hWnd), uMsg, wParam, lParam); break; default: bHandled = FALSE; break; } return lResult; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reflected message handler macros for message maps #define REFLECTED_COMMAND_HANDLER(id, code, func) \ if(uMsg == OCM_COMMAND && id == LOWORD(wParam) && code == HIWORD(wParam)) \ { \ bHandled = TRUE; \ lResult = func(HIWORD(wParam), LOWORD(wParam), (HWND)lParam, bHandled); \ if(bHandled) \ return TRUE; \ } #define REFLECTED_COMMAND_ID_HANDLER(id, func) \ if(uMsg == OCM_COMMAND && id == LOWORD(wParam)) \ { \ bHandled = TRUE; \ lResult = func(HIWORD(wParam), LOWORD(wParam), (HWND)lParam, bHandled); \ if(bHandled) \ return TRUE; \ } #define REFLECTED_COMMAND_CODE_HANDLER(code, func) \ if(uMsg == OCM_COMMAND && code == HIWORD(wParam)) \ { \ bHandled = TRUE; \ lResult = func(HIWORD(wParam), LOWORD(wParam), (HWND)lParam, bHandled); \ if(bHandled) \ return TRUE; \ } #define REFLECTED_COMMAND_RANGE_HANDLER(idFirst, idLast, func) \ if(uMsg == OCM_COMMAND && LOWORD(wParam) >= idFirst && LOWORD(wParam) <= idLast) \ { \ bHandled = TRUE; \ lResult = func(HIWORD(wParam), LOWORD(wParam), (HWND)lParam, bHandled); \ if(bHandled) \ return TRUE; \ } #define REFLECTED_COMMAND_RANGE_CODE_HANDLER(idFirst, idLast, code, func) \ if(uMsg == OCM_COMMAND && code == HIWORD(wParam) && LOWORD(wParam) >= idFirst && LOWORD(wParam) <= idLast) \ { \ bHandled = TRUE; \ lResult = func(HIWORD(wParam), LOWORD(wParam), (HWND)lParam, bHandled); \ if(bHandled) \ return TRUE; \ } #define REFLECTED_NOTIFY_HANDLER(id, cd, func) \ if(uMsg == OCM_NOTIFY && id == ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom && cd == ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) \ { \ bHandled = TRUE; \ lResult = func((int)wParam, (LPNMHDR)lParam, bHandled); \ if(bHandled) \ return TRUE; \ } #define REFLECTED_NOTIFY_ID_HANDLER(id, func) \ if(uMsg == OCM_NOTIFY && id == ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom) \ { \ bHandled = TRUE; \ lResult = func((int)wParam, (LPNMHDR)lParam, bHandled); \ if(bHandled) \ return TRUE; \ } #define REFLECTED_NOTIFY_CODE_HANDLER(cd, func) \ if(uMsg == OCM_NOTIFY && cd == ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) \ { \ bHandled = TRUE; \ lResult = func((int)wParam, (LPNMHDR)lParam, bHandled); \ if(bHandled) \ return TRUE; \ } #define REFLECTED_NOTIFY_RANGE_HANDLER(idFirst, idLast, func) \ if(uMsg == OCM_NOTIFY && ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom >= idFirst && ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom <= idLast) \ { \ bHandled = TRUE; \ lResult = func((int)wParam, (LPNMHDR)lParam, bHandled); \ if(bHandled) \ return TRUE; \ } #define REFLECTED_NOTIFY_RANGE_CODE_HANDLER(idFirst, idLast, cd, func) \ if(uMsg == OCM_NOTIFY && cd == ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code && ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom >= idFirst && ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom <= idLast) \ { \ bHandled = TRUE; \ lResult = func((int)wParam, (LPNMHDR)lParam, bHandled); \ if(bHandled) \ return TRUE; \ } #endif //(_ATL_VER < 0x0700) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General DLL version helpers (excluded from atlbase.h if _ATL_DLL is defined) #if (_ATL_VER < 0x0700) && defined(_ATL_DLL) inline HRESULT AtlGetDllVersion(HINSTANCE hInstDLL, DLLVERSIONINFO* pDllVersionInfo) { ATLASSERT(pDllVersionInfo != NULL); if(pDllVersionInfo == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; // We must get this function explicitly because some DLLs don't implement it. DLLGETVERSIONPROC pfnDllGetVersion = (DLLGETVERSIONPROC)::GetProcAddress(hInstDLL, "DllGetVersion"); if(pfnDllGetVersion == NULL) return E_NOTIMPL; return (*pfnDllGetVersion)(pDllVersionInfo); } inline HRESULT AtlGetDllVersion(LPCTSTR lpstrDllName, DLLVERSIONINFO* pDllVersionInfo) { HINSTANCE hInstDLL = ::LoadLibrary(lpstrDllName); if(hInstDLL == NULL) return E_FAIL; HRESULT hRet = AtlGetDllVersion(hInstDLL, pDllVersionInfo); ::FreeLibrary(hInstDLL); return hRet; } // Common Control Versions: // Win95/WinNT 4.0 maj=4 min=00 // IE 3.x maj=4 min=70 // IE 4.0 maj=4 min=71 inline HRESULT AtlGetCommCtrlVersion(LPDWORD pdwMajor, LPDWORD pdwMinor) { ATLASSERT(pdwMajor != NULL && pdwMinor != NULL); if(pdwMajor == NULL || pdwMinor == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; DLLVERSIONINFO dvi; ::ZeroMemory(&dvi, sizeof(dvi)); dvi.cbSize = sizeof(dvi); HRESULT hRet = AtlGetDllVersion(_T("comctl32.dll"), &dvi); if(SUCCEEDED(hRet)) { *pdwMajor = dvi.dwMajorVersion; *pdwMinor = dvi.dwMinorVersion; } else if(hRet == E_NOTIMPL) { // If DllGetVersion is not there, then the DLL is a version // previous to the one shipped with IE 3.x *pdwMajor = 4; *pdwMinor = 0; hRet = S_OK; } return hRet; } // Shell Versions: // Win95/WinNT 4.0 maj=4 min=00 // IE 3.x, IE 4.0 without Web Integrated Desktop maj=4 min=00 // IE 4.0 with Web Integrated Desktop maj=4 min=71 // IE 4.01 with Web Integrated Desktop maj=4 min=72 inline HRESULT AtlGetShellVersion(LPDWORD pdwMajor, LPDWORD pdwMinor) { ATLASSERT(pdwMajor != NULL && pdwMinor != NULL); if(pdwMajor == NULL || pdwMinor == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; DLLVERSIONINFO dvi; ::ZeroMemory(&dvi, sizeof(dvi)); dvi.cbSize = sizeof(dvi); HRESULT hRet = AtlGetDllVersion(_T("shell32.dll"), &dvi); if(SUCCEEDED(hRet)) { *pdwMajor = dvi.dwMajorVersion; *pdwMinor = dvi.dwMinorVersion; } else if(hRet == E_NOTIMPL) { // If DllGetVersion is not there, then the DLL is a version // previous to the one shipped with IE 4.x *pdwMajor = 4; *pdwMinor = 0; hRet = S_OK; } return hRet; } #endif //(_ATL_VER < 0x0700) && defined(_ATL_DLL) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 32-bit (alpha channel) bitmap resource helper // Note: 32-bit (alpha channel) images work only on Windows XP with Common Controls version 6. // If you want your app to work on older version of Windows, load non-alpha images if Common // Controls version is less than 6. inline bool AtlIsAlphaBitmapResource(_U_STRINGorID image) { HRSRC hResource = ::FindResource(_pModule->GetResourceInstance(), image.m_lpstr, RT_BITMAP); ATLASSERT(hResource != NULL); HGLOBAL hGlobal = ::LoadResource(_pModule->GetResourceInstance(), hResource); ATLASSERT(hGlobal != NULL); LPBITMAPINFOHEADER pBitmapInfoHeader = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)::LockResource(hGlobal); ATLASSERT(pBitmapInfoHeader != NULL); return (pBitmapInfoHeader->biBitCount == 32); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CString forward reference (enables CString use in atluser.h and atlgdi.h) #if defined(_WTL_FORWARD_DECLARE_CSTRING) && !defined(_WTL_USE_CSTRING) #define _WTL_USE_CSTRING #endif //defined(_WTL_FORWARD_DECLARE_CSTRING) && !defined(_WTL_USE_CSTRING) #ifdef _WTL_USE_CSTRING class CString; // forward declaration (include atlmisc.h for the whole class) #endif //_WTL_USE_CSTRING }; //namespace WTL // These are always included #include #include #ifndef _WTL_NO_AUTOMATIC_NAMESPACE using namespace WTL; #endif //!_WTL_NO_AUTOMATIC_NAMESPACE #endif // __ATLAPP_H__